• 022 2867 3498
  • NAAC B+ and ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified



Yes, the college has a clear and well defined learning outcomes measurement system. The learning outcome of students is judged through the exam result and evaluation report prepared on the basis of field studies, social economic surveys. The college arranges internship programmes for some courses where the students get the opportunity to use their classroom learning during their practical field experience. College conducts a number of Value-Added courses such as Online Marketing, Tally, Visual Designing and Programming in Java and C++.  In these courses the communication skills, the computer knowledge, accounting skills and knowledge in computer programming are to be used practically by the students.

During programmes conducted by the various Associations and for paper presentations students are clearly instructed by the chairpersons of Associations and the teachers to use and display their proficiency or the skills that they acquire through their classroom learning. Teachers are oriented by the college, through Staff Academy, to ensure the best use of the theoretical knowledge that the students acquire through classroom teaching, in their performance in extracurricular activities and in the value-added courses.