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Counselling Center

Counselling Center


Dr. S. B. Karande

I/c Principal

Dr. Mrs. Sushila Yadav


Ms. Piyusha Bhingarde


Durva Rege

Student Co-ordinator

Annual Report for the Academic year 2019-20

The Counselling Center carries out effective counselling of the students pertaining to academic as well as personal issues as its main activity. The following activities were conducted in the year 2019-20

  1. Essay Writing Competition

The topics of the essay writing competition were:

  • Stress Management
  • The importance of Psychology
  1. Mind Mechanics Games

      2 games were conducted. They were:

  • The Memory Test
  • Psychodrama

Counselling of students was done on a regular basis and a total of 19 students were counselled by the centre in this academic year.

Report ( 2017-18)

Counselling Center was inaugurated on 4th July, 2017. The counselling center aims at resolving the academic and personal issues faced by the students in today’s stressful life. It is also open for the teaching and non-teaching staff. Mrs. Sudha Pednekar is the head counsellor, and with her are Dr. Mihir Parikh (clinical psychologist) and Ms. Ritika Tejwani (clinical psychologist).

The counselling centre organised a number of Guest Lectures. On 21st August, 2017, a Guest Lecture on ‘Effective Studying Habits to reduce examination stress’, was organised by the counselling centre. It was conducted by Mrs. Sudha Pednekar(Ex- HOD, Dept. of Psychology). She spoke on various tips that students can use to develop effective study habits, improve their concentration and academics.

In context of the ‘World Suicide Prevention Day’, on 10th September, the counselling centre organised a Guest lecture on ‘Suicide Prevention’. It was conducted on 13th September,  2017. Ms. Jasdeep Mago, (Clinical Neuro-psychologist and Co-founder Silver Lining Clinic) was a chief guest. She raised awareness regarding depression and prevention of suicide and highlighted on seeking help if one is going through any crisis and depression.

The counselling centre and Dept. of Psychology encouraged students to participate in an intercollegiate Psychology Fest, at M.D College, Parel, on 5th Jan., 2018. Ms. Tanvi Gadgil (S.Y.B.A), Ms. Khushboo Vishwakarma (F.Y.B.A), and Ms. Akshara Desai (F.Y.J.C) are the students who participated. Ms. Tanvi Gadgil won the 1st Prize in self debate, Ms. Akshara Desai won the 2nd Prize in Self debate and Ms. Khushboo Vishwakarma won a consolation prize in Solo Singing.

A Guest lecture on ‘Schizophrenia’ was conducted on 16th March, 2018 by Dr. Mihir Parekh. He enlightened the students about symptoms and manifestation of Schizophrenia. He used various case studies, role play for this purpose.

Counselling sessions at the counselling centre takes place on Mondays and Thursdays. Many students have availed the services of the counselling centre.

Asst.Prof. Sushila Yadav is the Teacher Co-ordinator and Ms. Tanvi Gadgil is the student co-ordinator of the Counselling Centre.


Sushila Yadav



1. Guest Lectures on 21st August, 2017, a Guest Lecture on ‘Effective Studying Habits to reduce examination stress’, Guest Speaker was Mrs. Sudha Pednekar (Ex- HOD, Dept. of Psychology). She spoke on various tips that students can use to develop effective study habits, improve their concentration and academics.


2. In context of the ‘World Suicide Prevention Day’, a Guest lecture on ‘Suicide Prevention’. Guest Speaker was Ms. Jasdeep Mago, (Clinical Neuro-psychologist and Co-founder Silver Lining Clinic) was a chief guest. She raised awareness regarding depression and prevention of suicide and highlighted on seeking help if one is going through any crisis and depression.

3. A Guest lecture on ‘Schizophrenia’ Guest Speaker was Dr. Mihir Parekh. He enlightened the students about symptoms and manifestation of Schizophrenia. He used various case studies, role play for this purpose.

The Counselling Center was established in the year 1996.  Department of Psychology deals with the problems of our students. Counselling is carried out in a confidential manner and free of charge. Various competitions, Guest Lectures, Shows, Quizs are arranged for the benefit of the students.