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Library plays a crucial role in the all over development of students through providing support to their curricular and co-curricular participation.

The total number of books as on 31st March, 2014 is 52,847. These book cover all the streams in the library, we added 4290 books this year it cost Rs. 7,04,633/- that include subject reference books, general reference book etc.

This year we have continued the subscribed the N-List package to search the E-Journals and E-books. Computerized searching and lending facility is available in the library to save the time of students and staff. We also purchased SOUL Software of Library which is licensed copy for the use of library activities. We provide library services, free of cost to true knowledge seekers, to the outsiders or ex-students .

Internet services and use of CD is provided to teachers and along with Self finance course students. We provide the internet facility to the students to fill up the scholarship forms, to complete the project with 9 computers with internet facility and trained staff in the library.

As a librarian I am aware of the importance of my role and I have planned a number of activities that would help our students as well as teachers in future.

Objective of the Library :

  • To develop the reading habits and personality of the students.
  • To improve and shape the students’ creative faculties.
  • To enhance students vocational efficiency and carve them into a self-reliant individuals.
  • To guide students in the selection of reading material for curricular and co-curricular studies.
  • To prepare students for life-long self education process
  • To help to complete the objective set by the college.
  • To support the student and teachers in their Class room learning and teaching.
  • To help to complete our Motto " Education, Discipline and Development"

Library Staff Members :

  • Mr. S. R. Uchale, Librarian
  • Mr. B. N. Sonwane, Junior Clerk
  • Mrs. K. R. Bhor   Library Attendant
  • Mr. P. B. Siddhu  Library Attendant
  • Mr. B. V. Hadal, Peon